The Schoolhouse Theater
Westchester's "Favorite Local Theater"!

The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center, a nonprofit organization, is a venerable cultural center devoted to professional theater at the highest possible standard. We are committed to bringing new, innovative and ground breaking programs and plays to the community. It is a place where new work is explored, and a place where things begin. Additionally, our galleries also host local artists, sculptors, and photographers from all over the county.
Through classes for children, live theater, live music, Lee's Cafe (events showcasing young musical local talent in our art galleries), comedy, slam poetry, story telling and creative programs, we have sought to be a landmark home for all of the arts in Westchester County.
Lee Pope is the legend behind The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center. Pope, the theater's founder, transformed an old elementary school building (1925) into a freshly minted visual arts center in Croton Falls in 1983, turning classrooms into galleries and studio spaces showing the paintings and sculpture of many Westchester's most acclaimed artists. At that time, the cafeteria/gym was simply a white-walled room with twelve borrowed lights and no risers. In 1986, Jack Palance's daughter Brooke and actor/producer Michael Wilding (son of Elizabeth Taylor) performed Bedroom Farce and the curtain went up on Westchester's oldest non-profit professional theater thirty-two years ago!
The Schoolhouse has been honored by visits from a number of theater luminaries including playwrights Jules Feiffer, John Barton, George Furth, Tina Howe, Michael Weller, and Paul Zindel, who all came to see productions of their work and lend support to our theater.
Legendary critic Alvin Klein, who wrote more than 40 reviews for the New York Times, summed it best: "It's one of my favorite theaters. A jewel. 99 seats. There's nothing like it. Where else are you going to see Albee,Saroyan or Williams? They're gutsy!"
We have successfully launched six productions to Off-Broadway: The Enlightenment of Mr. Mole,Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Ingmar Bergman's Nora, S.N. Behrman's Biography, Elaine Del Valle's Brownsville Bred, and L.O.V.E.R by Lois Robbins is currently at the Zephyr in Los Angeles and will debut Off-Broadway this fall.
We are thrilled to announce Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center Founder Lee Pope received Arts Westchester's 2018 Lifetime Arts Community Award!